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VŠĮ „Menų oazė“ veikia kaip žmogiškumo puoselėtojas, menininkų, meno terapeutų ir tarpsektorinių organizacijų  įkvėpėjas; tarpdisciplininių kultūros projektų ir renginių organizatorius ir vykdytojas.  VŠĮ „Menų oazė“  veikla yra inovatyvi ir tiriamoji, orientuota į holistinį ir psichofizinį žmogaus supratimą.

 Viešosios įstaigos tikslas – tenkinti viešuosius interesus vykdant kultūrinę, meninę, švietėjišką ir kitokią visuomenei naudingą veiklą ir  siekia šių strateginių veiklos tikslų:

  • sukurti menų terapijų metodikų archyvą ir dalintis juo su specialistais ir visuomene;

  •  vykdyti socialinės atskirties ir rizikos grupėse esančių asmenų įgūdžių, užimtumo modelių kūrimą.

  •  supažindinti visuomenę  su tarpdisciplininiu menu ir menų terapijų inovacijomis ir jas vystyti. 

  •  skatinti tarpdisciplininio meno ir menų terapijų praktiką, mokymą, sklaidą.

City Sonic Vilnius/ Sound Camp

The City Sonic Spring Sound Camp was composed of a 5-day workshop of recording/mixing sounds and images in the centre of Vilnius followed by the sound art/intermedia exhibition ‘Reminagining the City” at Kompresoriné/Ideas Block in March 2023 with the resulting installations, and several days of performances and listening sessions by 10 participating Lithuanian artists as well as 3 guest French & Belgian artist-curators.

Užupio vasaros kultūros diena. City Sonic Vilnius

During the Užupis Summer Culture Day, Philippe Franck, curator of City Sonic and founder of Transcultures, together with a company of Lithuanian artists, presented the programme of events of the City Sonic Vilnius Day and invited visitors to a first introduction to the City Sonic Festival, which will take place in Vilnius in 2023.

"Sea K" - sonopoetic performance

"Sea K is an adventurous performance, a free improvised sound composition based on Jack Kerouac's poem "The Sea". The performance performed by actresses Kristina Švečionytė and Kotryna Žilinskaitė together with sound artist Paradise Now. Here lisiners heard cultural references, poetic allusions and sea stories from the poem. Supported by - Transcultures, European Pepinieres of Creation, Užiateka, Menų Oazė, Užupis Art Inkubator, Kintai Art recidency,

Performance “Glimse of light"

Performance “Glimse of light" - creation and performance, VDA Kreatorium February; Užupis Art Incubator 2022. June, Culture Night.

Performance “Glimse of light"

This performance focuses on aspects of light and darkness that reveal the reason behind the movement of mortal beings. Performers find themselves in opposing positions of fascination with the macabre and optimistic luminosity. This process becomes a journey that reveals this relationship between the two poles as a necessity for the emergence, movement and growth of creation, full of transcendental questions.

Sonopoetic performance - "The soft whisper of the wind"

Sonopoetic performance - "The soft whisper of the wind" - Užupis Meno Incubatorius 2022. June, Vilnius Culture Night festival. Performance combined with actress reading of haiku poetry as well as live musical composition (performers Kotryna Žilinskaitė, Kristina Švenčionytė, sound artist Spectrum).

Sonopoetic performance - "The soft whisper of the wind"
UMI 20th b-day. Performance "Tree Stories". Kotryna Žilinskaitė, Hasan Alp Celikel and Paradise Now

This performance was shown at Uzupis Art Incubator's 20th birthday celebration and was part of City Sonic Vilnius program events. The Tree Stories performance features pluridisciplinary - movements, poetry, sounds (and images too for a future installation/video project) - material created by the 3 associated artists Kotryna Žilinskaitė (LT), Hasan Alp Celikel (TK), Paradise Now (BE/FR) created at the "Verpejų" residence.

EXALEIPHO performance. Kotryna Žilinskaitė and Paradise Now. Užupis 24th birthday

In the framework of the 24th birthday of the Užupis Republic, dancer Kotryna Žilinskaite (Lithuania) and sound artist Philippe Franck (aka Paradise Now - Belgium) offer a special improvised performance at the Užupis Art Incubator Gallery. This performance is called "Exaleipho" meaning in ancient Greek, "to cover with mud but also to wipe, to erase or to dry".

EXALEIPHO performance. Kotryna Žilinskaitė and Paradise Now. Užupis 24th birthday

EXALEIPHO performance. Kotryna Žilinskaitė and Paradise Now. Užupis 24th birthday. This experimental and intimate performance is also inspired by the current war in Ukraine, and motivated by the mixed feeling of amazement and revolt, as well as the necessity to find a vital unity for humanity in order to restore peace at the end of the violent and cruel times we are experiencing. This semi improvised a half an hour piece deals freely with this delicate subject in three parts: avoidance/uncerta

Butoh dance and music performance "Prošvaitė"

Butoh dance and music performance "Prošvaitė" at the Vilnius Academy of Arts Creator. Creators: Kotryna Kvedaryte, Kotryna Žilinskaitė, Hasan Alp Çelikel.

Sonopetic performance "The Old Man and the Sea". Culture Night, 2021

Like every other recognized in the classic short story, The Old and the Sea, E. Hemingway covers a considerable bouquet of the topics covered. Interpretations close to the performers themselves: - the lifetime of the lived life strengthens the moderate and consistent relationship between oneself and the environment; - the relationship of the sea as a metaphor for a woman to a man; Electronic music creator Jokūbas Preikša and actresses Aušrine Juodeškaitė and Kotryna Žilinskaitė

„Le chant des nuits françaises“

French nights are approaching bringing amazing images, sounds and smells in Užupis: "Le chant des nuits françaises" Nights full of culture, history, poetry, wine, music and French Scents on the words of Baudelair, Hugo, Gautier, Edit Paif and many more ...

Venetian Carnival in Užupis - Performace. fot.Marcin Osman
Venetian Carnival in Užupis

The Venice Carnival spectacle was shown at Užupis art incubator gallery "Kalnas". which according to tradition is dedicated to the licensing of fun. During the carnival, we granted this right to the angels of Dante's "Divine Comedy", who entered the whirlwind of fun with dance and poetry. The music atmosphere was created by the sounds of the harp (Elzė Saldžiūnaitė), the violin (Paulius Vaicekauskas) and the liturgical chants of the Vilnius Bernardine Choir. Supported by Vilnius Municipality

Cosmic transits

Play/performance COSMIC TRANSITS What is all this about? About what we don't know about the universe About what you still know about the universe About the attraction of the universe About exploring the secrets of the cosmos; About colossal dimensions, scales, about time About infinite darkness and the unknown About mass transformations About how mass and energy are related. COSMIC TRANSIT Performance started at Užupis Angelo Square, July 5th, 2020

Criminal - cinema workshop and party

On the night of October 31 we will jump in to a film party - on the theme of mafia and crime. In this party we will play a completely unusual role-playing game based on the Italian film "The Mafia Kills Only in Summer" By participating in this cinema-based "CRIMINAL" party, you will be able to express your creativity, improve your emotional intelligence, body language, and develop social communication. DRESS CODE: MAFIA - "Black tie optional" / "Cocktail attire".

Sonic Academy Challenge

Sonic Academy invited people during the winter period to join the challenge. 🤩 Challenge was structured in three parts: 🎤 Freeing Natural Voice lectures; 🕬 Communication Practices with a partner or family; 📹 a Video-diary Production. For eight weeks - lectures, workshops and video conferences. Participants who accept the challenge were invited to present their video-diary in the Videocollectifs program, which is part of the international video art festival Videoformes.

Opening. Sonic Academy Challenge

The opening event began on Sunday, 17th of January at 8 pm. Team and program: ✔️ Gabriel Soucheyre - Videoformes, International VideoArt & Digital Culture Festival in Clermont-Ferrand; ✔️ Communication and networking artist Natan Karczmar - Videocollectifs; ✔️ Media artist Greta Skėrė and actress, artistic director Kotryna Žilinskaitė - Sonic Academy; ✔️ Voice actor and lecturer Sabahattin Cakiral - OntoVoice.

The Hammock and the Songlines - art therapy lab

Maria Chiara Calvani developed an episode of The Hammock and the Songlines’s project in Kintai village during the 20 days of residency at Kintai Art Residence. She has involved the inhabitants by inviting them to knit a piece of the hammock. Each day Maria Chiara begins her performative action by choosing a place to knit the hammock. Altogether they are knitting, singing folk songs, telling stories. Workshop lead by Maria Chiara and Kotryna Žilinskaitė Project supported by Kintai Art residency

The Hammock and the Songlines - art therapy lab
OASIS festival
Art therapy

Art therapy by Ugne Alsyte. Oasis Art therapy dome, Kalnu Park, Uzupis

Aerial dance class

Dancing in the air is a movement activity in which we dance in the air with the help of silk elastic bands (hammocks). We learn: 🔵 how to move in unison and balance in the lanes using the center of your body; 🔵 hanging, climbing, exercising, we use and strengthen muscles that we usually do not use in our daily activities; 🔵 perform many different stretches, in non-traditional poses, this way we become elastic and plastic, able to relax more deeply;

Ceramic Workshop

Ceramic Workshop by Hasan Alp Celikel. Uziateka studio, 2022.

Drama therapy

Group drama therapy by Eva Baliul, Uziateka studio, 2021.

Terapeutic art festival "Oasis"

Oasis - art therapy, together with Užiateka, presents the interdisciplinary art and art therapy festival in Užupi, "Oasis". During the festival, you will be able to try dance-movement, art, narrative art, film and music therapy sessions, this way you will get to know yourself and various methods of psychological help! The festival will invite you to silk ribbon classes, reading fairy tales for children and music concerts and other therapies.

Classical Indian music concert

We are all very different, but the love of music unites our differences. Music is a universal language that transcends the boundaries of different forms and takes us to inner silence. We will listen to one of the most wonderful Indian musical instruments - bansuri flute (Adomas Šimkūnas) together with tanpura (Kotryna Kvedarytė).

An evening of Sufi music and movies: Mübin Dünen, Dariush Rasouli

On July 24th, a music and film evening in Bičiulynas Arts Yard, Uzupis In the evening program: - Sufi music live Dunen Mubin (dulcimer, nay, vocals) Dariush Rasouli (nay, setar, tar). - Screening of short films about Kurdish and Persian cultures.

Concert "When we weave in winter"

Since it is winter, it has snowed, it is cold and white, we invite you to pour yourself a huge cup of tea and listen to the unwoven canvases of music. Music will be shared by: Liepa: vocals, vocals Adomas: bansuri flute, percussion. Uziateka studio, 2021, December.

Uzupis Culture day in Uziateka

12:00 Visual&Voice - creative practice. "Relation to my hunger - by Kotryna Žilinskaitė; More about event/ registration: 13:00 Communal cooking session - visual food; 14:00 Poetry therapy. Melos - by Tomas Čepaitis; More about event/ registration: 17:00 Paella and Sangria experience 18:00. Performative music concert - by Hasan Alp Celikel; 20:00 "The Sun's Night Language" - ambient electronic music live set by sound artists Covarnis and ResDigit

Johanna-90 (1)

Johanna Glaza is an independent songwriter, singer from Lithuania, currently in London. Baroque folk style, with avant-garde spice Glaza's songs are original and sensitive. Johann’s enchanting voice and enchanting melodies create a world full of mystery, which is especially revealed during the live performance. WudangTao studio, Kaunas, 2021, Oct.

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